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Elected Officials

Election Information

The City of Chester has The elected officers of the said City shall be a Mayor, Clerk and the City Council. The appointed officers of said City shall be Solicitor, Municipal Court Judge, Superintendent of Water Board, Chief of Police, Treasurer and such other officers as City Council may, from time to time create. All appointed offices shall be filled and appointed by each Council.



No person shall be eligible to any elected office unless he/she is a qualified voter thereof, nor unless he/she has resided therein for at least six months before his election; and, in the case of a councilman, unless he/she is a bonafide resident of the ward from which he/she is elected, or a councilman from the ward from which he/she is elected shall vacate his office; and no person shall be eligible to any elected city office unless he/she is a taxpayer and assessed and paid tax on at least $100.00 worth of real or personal property in said city and a qualified voter thereof. Appointed officers need not be residents of the City, but must be residents of Hancock County, West Virginia prior to his or her appointment and assuming of office.


Election Systems

A regular non-artisan election system will be established eliminating the primary election and only a non-partisan general election will be held on the second Tuesday of June beginning with the June, 1994 election. Said election shall be in accord with the election laws of the State of West Virginia.

A. NOMINATIONS. Candidates for the offices of Members of Council, Mayor and City Clerk:

Any person desiring his name to appear on the non-partisan ballot as a candidate for any such offices at such primary election shall file with the City Clerk on or before the ninetieth day preceding such non-partisan general election date. (Amended Ordinance 310-C, passed 2-18-2002.)


Term of Office

The term of office of the Mayor, Clerk and Councilmen shall begin on the first Monday in April next succeeding their election and shall be for the term of two years and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified; the Sergeant, Chief of Police, Assessor, Health Officer and Street Commissioner shall be appointed by the Council, and shall hold their office during the pleasure of the Council; the same person shall not be appointed Clerk for more than two consecutive terms, and any former incumbent shall be ineligible for a second appointment unless he shall have fully settled up the business of his former term or terms.

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